Being portable and light weight the use of Laptop has increased too much. Now days many of the companies provide their workers with Laptops rather than desktop to work upon. With the increasing use of these Laptops their proper care and maintenance should also be taken at the same time.
The problem with the Laptops which are used by the Company Professionals or their workers is of the data loss or the Hard Disk crashes. This is the major drawback which the Laptop suffers from.
There are many companies in the market who provide almost the complete recovery of the data from the crashed Laptop Hard Disk. But the extent of data recovered by them is also limited or depends on the amount of damage provided to it. Here is the list of basic things which one should follow so as to keep their Laptops away or less prone to Data Loss or Hard Disk Crashes.
1. Never try to give jerk to your Laptop while it's is running. Because the Hard Drive being the movable part can be damaged by a severe jerk. Always try to avoid this.
2. Keep the Laptop slightly above a flat base by a proper support so that a well ventilation of the air should be maintained. This will help the Laptop to breathe freely and radiate extra heat.
3. While surfing internet or connecting via WiFi or Bluetooth use a well updated Antivirus and a good Firewall so as to prevent your Laptop from Trojans or many viruses which can corrupt your data or completely can crash your Hard Drives.
4. While Plugging the USB Pen drive always scan it before working on it because these USB drives are always prone to Deadly Viruses.
5. Always read the user guide or manual of the Laptop before using it as it contains useful tips of properly handling your Laptop.
6. Always have a look at your Laptop batteries which you are using and if it has gone old then immediately have the replacement of.
These above mentioned tips are only the basic ones which any Laptop users can follow even he is not a tech savvy.
Even if there are many brands of Laptops which have inbuilt software provided by the vendor itself so as to recover the data if it crashes but it is always recommended to protect yourself unless such a situation ever arises.
There are also many companies which run Data Recovery services and even promise to recover completely or almost all of your data even after crash but they are very costly one to hire for. So always apply the rule of "Prevention better than cure".
And for more advice about Laptops and prevention visit The Laptop Support Community.
I'm moderator for The Laptop Support Community, and I'm hoping contribute to make grow our community by sharing my knowledge and helping people
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